Software for Gantt: Not an Only Option Out There


Gantt chart is one way of presenting the workflow in a best way that is useful for an effective project management. They’re simple to use and when time passes, the actual progress can be added to this chart. In the standard Gantt chart software, tasks will be listed in proper order that they are completed, though they will be grouped in sets that will correspond to the sub-project. Gantt charts are one highly valuable tool that you can have in the project planning arsenal. Project managers use it to perform various project management functions, which include:

  • Set baselines for the project scope, schedule and budget —three metrics used for measuring the project success.
  • Track progress of the project after kickoff.
  • Visualize critical path.

In order, to help the buyers to understand how the automated tools will fit in the heir workflows, here is the list of some benefits that the users have experienced.

How Will Automated Gantt Chart Benefit the Project Teams?

The Gantt chart is the best PM tool, which can be used for 2 important stages of project such as cycle: tracking and planning. These charts are the visual representation of a project schedule, with the tasks to be displayed as the horizontal bars over the calendar.


Some common project management actions performed by using the Gantt charts will include:

  • Assign any due dates to the tasks
  • Visualize schedule
  • Identify critical path
  • Track progression of the work items
  • Assign staff to the tasks

Some defining abilities that will distinguish the automated tools from the manual Gantt charts, or that make them highly valuable while performing above activities, which includes:

  • Shading – To state how much of work is done on the task (like task 50% complete is the halfway shaded).
  • Color-coding – This is to represent various task attributes, like who is liable for completing it (for example, all Kean’s tasks will be blue, or developer tasks will be yellow).
  • Drag-and-drop – This allows the users to move the task easily to adjust any schedule. The due dates on the subsequent tasks are updated automatically.
  • Hide or show the task details – The users may click or hover on the task to view any details, like task start date, end date, complete percentage and who is liable for completing the project and more.
  • “Linking” dependent tasks – It gives updates to cascade by the schedule while changes are made on linked tasks.